Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program

Project Jukebox Survey

Help us redesign the Project Jukebox website by taking a very short survey!


We are updating our projects

Release Notes:

  • We are working on a new design! Thanks to all of you who have responded to our survey. If you haven't completed it, there's still time.
  • Our site has problems with mobile devices, so if you are using one and can't access something, please try on a laptop or computer.
  • Contact us if you have any questions.

Check out the Gates of the Arctic Research Portal for books, images, oral histories, archival films, archival materials, Native language materials, objects, maps, and government documents at the University of Alaska Fairbanks relating to the Gates of the Arctic National Park's resident zone communities of Allakaket, Alatna, Ambler, Anaktuvuk Pass, Bettles and Evansville, Hughes, Huslia, Kobuk, Nuiqsut, Shugnak, and Wiseman.

Until funding is secured to convert all of our old projects into our newest format, many of our older projects remain in an old html format. What this means is that some of the older projects may no longer work as they once did, especially if you are using a new web browser to access them. The projects listed below remain in their original format and will be upgraded as funding allows: