Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program

Alaska Highway Project Background

kkennedy.jpgThe original Alaska Highway Project Jukebox was created by Stacey Carkhuff (now Baldridge) for the fulfillment of a Northern Studies M.A. at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, May 2009. The time frame for this project was September 2008-May 2009. The purpose of the project was to create an awareness of changes along the Alaska Highway since its inception in 1942, and allow students, researchers and other interested people access to oral history through video recordings. Interviews were conducted with 13 residents of select communities along the highway including Fairbanks, Tok, Northway, Destruction Bay and Whitehorse, and these oral histories have been integrated with archival materials and photos into this computer based, interactive Project Jukebox. The Alaska Highway Project Jukebox is available to everyone via the Internet in an effort to better connect communities with their past.

Stacey provided the following thank you's to:

  • All those who participated in interviews, and who contributed time and information to the project.
  • A special thank you to Polly Hyslop of Northway who helped facilitate interviews and act as liaison in Tok and Northway.
  • Her graduate Advisory Thesis Committee: Dr. Mary Ehrlander, Dr. William Schneider, and Dr. Terrence Cole.
  • Project Jukebox staff of the UAF Oral History Program: Karen Brewster and Marla Statscewich.
  • UAF EPSCoR; Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research for funding part of this project.
  • The Northern Studies Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
  • Gary Holton of the Alaska Native Language Center at UAF for providing photos of Ellen Demit's burial service.

All photos in this project that have not been credited were taken by Stacey Carkhuff.