Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program



frwh1.gif Listen to Fred White pronounce each of the Tlingit place names in the Dry Bay area.

1) Gus'eix - No Translation

2) Aakwe'i - Lake Puking

3) Keilxwa'a - No Translation

4) Gooch Shakee Aan - Hilltop Town

5) Kaligoonx'i Ye' - Place of Many Springs

6) Staheenakw - Short Creek

7) K'aaga'n He'eni - Stickleback Creek

8) Taani's - Jumping Fish

9) Dagisdinaa - People of Dugis

10) Gunaxoo - Among the Athabascans

11) Wuxoogu Geey - Going Dry Bay

12) Lutu He'ena'k'w - Water Going Away

13) Gus'eix Y'adi/Tsaixaan Y'adi - Child of Guseix/Child of Tsalxa'an

14) Gal'jinoowu' - Clam Hand Fort

15) Si't' x'aa Noowu' - Eddy Fort

16) T'aagani Skeix - Pressed Roots

17) Ti'nx Kayaani' - Kinnikinnick Leaves

18) Janwu He'eni - Mountain Goat Stream

19) Yadagwa'it - Raven's Rocks Falling Down

20) Ye'il Dzoona'yi - Raven's Work

21) Chaan Yuka' - Above the Mountain

22) Ye'il Katooliye' - Hole Raven Bored

23) Chooka'n Na'agu - Beach Grass Medicine

24) Gilguwaa/Gilkw.uwaa - No Translation

25) Til'he'eni - Dog Salmon River

26) Gunhe'eni - Clear Spring Water

27) Gantakw He'eni - Fern Bulb River

28) Yeil Kawa guche' yei - Place Where Raven Pulled in the Food Canoe

29) Shgaadaayi He'en - Around the Mountain

40) Dinetgi Aan - Shaking Village (exact location unknown)

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