Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program

Chipp-Ikpikpuk and Meade Rivers Project Jukebox Project Background

The recordings, photographs, transcripts, and maps contained in this program represent three different stages of fieldwork done for the North Slope Borough. The results of the first phase appear in the 1980 report, Land Use Values Through Time in the Barrow Atqasuk Area and detail the research done by Bill Schneider, Sverre Pederson, and David Libbey with Otis Ahkigvak, Walter Akpik, Horace Ahsogeak, Roxy Ekowana, Levi Greist, Ernest Kignak, Harold Leavitt, Arthur Neakok, Bruce Nukapigak, Ida Numnik, and Shirley Phillips. No transcripts are available for the interviews done for this part of the project, but a listing of the tapes is available.

The second segment of fieldwork was completed in 1982 and 1983 by Wendy Arundale and Bill Schneider with Greta and Walter Akpik, Arnold and Emily Brower, Thomas Brower, Charlie and Mary Edwardsen, Ernest Kignak, Samuel and Sarah Kunaknana, Adam Leavitt, Henry Nashaknik, Nina Nayukok and Mattie Tunik, Ben Nungasak, Faye Nusunginya, and Ella Sakeagak. This phase focused on traditional land-use values in the Chipp-Ikpikpuk and Upper Meade River areas. Interviews conducted in Barrow and Atqasuk resulted in 37 tapes (with 20 transcripts), which contributed to Quliaquat Iñupiat Nunaŋiññiñ - The Report of the Chipp-Ikpikpuk River and Upper Meade River Oral History Project (1987). Later in 1983, Walter Akpik Sr., Wendy Arundale, Bill Schneider and Kathy Itta Ahgeak made trips along the Upper Meade River by snowmachine and by boat to record sites, place names, and other traditional land-use information. Transcripts of these tapes are available.

Development of the Chipp-Ikpikpuk and Meade Rivers Project Jukebox was a collaborative project between the North Slope Borough, Iñupiat History, Language and Culture Commission and the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program. The original Jukebox was begun in 1993, but was in a Macintosh-only format. Conversion to a broader format for the Internet was completed in 2000, and in 2020 it was upgraded into a Drupal format.

Pituktitallu, qiñiġallu, maqpiġrriallu, nunaurallu qiñiġniaqtasi tavra piŋasuiguvlugich savaguŋarut, savaġiqummatigich North Slope Borough-tkut. Sivulliich maqpiġarriaŋich 1980-mi nanŋarut, Land Use Values Through Time-nik atchiġlugich, Utqiaġvigmilu Atqasugmilu nalunaiyautauruat taapkua Bill Schneider-vlu, Sverre Pedersen-lu, David Libbey-vlu savaqatigivlugich Otis Aqivgaġlu, Walter Akpigḷu, Horace Asugiaġlu, Roxy Ikuwanalu, Levi Griest-lu, Ernest Qigñaglu, Harold Leavitt-lu, Arthur Niaquġlu, Bruce Nupiġaġlu, Ida Namniġlu, Shirley Phillips-lu tavra maqpiġarriŋarut. Maqpiġarriagitchurguuq taapkua iñuich uqaqatiginiŋiññik, aglaan pituktitaŋich tutquqtauŋarut. Wendy Arundale-lu Bill Schneider-lu ullautitqukamik 1982-miḷu 1983 miḷu savaatik igḷuŋagaik aasii quaqatigivlugich Utitkuk, Arnold Brower Sr.-tkuk, Thomas Brower Sr., Charlie Edwardsen Sr.-tkuk, Qigñak, Kunagnatkuk, Qapqan, Nasaġniq, Nina Nayukuk, Mattie Tuniq, Ben Nuŋŋasak, Faye Nusaŋiña, Ella Sakiagaġlu. Uqaqatigiigñiŋat sivuniqaŋaruq qanuq iñuuniaġuutilaaŋat Ikpikpagmiḷu Kuugruamiḷu. Uqaqatigigñiŋich pitugmatigik tape recorder-nun Utqiaġvigmiḷu Atqasugmiḷu tavra tape recorder-gich thirty seven-guŋarut (twenty-ich maqpiġarriaguvlutiŋ), aasii atuŋaŋaich maqpiġarriuqamiŋ Quliaqtuat Iñupiat Nunaŋiññiñ - The Report of the Chipp-Ikpikpuk River and Upper Meade River Oral History Project (1987). Nuŋuyaqtuaġniŋani 1983-m Utiguvlu Wendy Arundale-guvlu, Bill Schneider-vlu, Kathy Itta Ahgeak-lu kukiḷuŋagaat Kuulugruaq ski-doo-ġaqhutif umiaqtuqhutif nalunaiyaqługich iñuuniaġŋiich atiŋich sullu allat iḷisimaraksrauruat nalunaiyaqjugich. Maqpiġarriat tamatkua savaagimmatigich piyumiñaġniaġisgguuq pigisukkuvsigich.