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William Lomack

William Lomack was interviewed on July 28, 1988 by Robert Drozda and Vernon Chimegalrea in Akiachak, Alaska. Vernon was the Yup'ik language interpreter during the interview. The written Yup'ik transcription and English translation was done by Alice Atti Bachman of the Alaska Native Language Center, with proofreading and some editing by Irene Reed. In this excerpt of the interview, William speaks in Yup'ik about Pugcenar as a seasonal subsistence camp used for fall hunting and spring muskrat hunting, and about the houses there. He also talks about the site of Cungartuli and the trail to the Yukon River.

Digital Asset Information

Archive #: Oral History BIA ANCSA 88CAL108

Project: Pugcenar
Date of Interview: Jul 28, 1988
Narrator(s): William Lomack
Interviewer(s): Robert Drozda, Vernon Chimegalrea
Location of Interview:
Funding Partners:
National Science Foundation
Alternate Transcripts
There is no alternate transcript for this interview.

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Pugcenar as one of several subsistence fall camps.

Seasonal use of Pugcenar and hunting muskrat in spring.

Houses at Pugcenar and Cungartuli on the trail to the Yukon River.

Use of Pugcenar around 1930.

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William: Aa, Atrat. Wiinga nunalqa Nunarpagmek pilaraat. Nunarpak. Una-ll' tunglia Qass'uq. Qass'umek pilallrat. Tua-i taukuk uksuarmi yungqelallrek. Una-ll' cali pingayuak Pugceneq. Cali tua-i tauna uksuarmi yungqerraqluni, Pugcenermek pilallrat. Pavani-ll' cali kelumteni, Kuigpagmiut. Akuliqutamek pilallratni Kuigpak cali uksuillrat yaaqsinrituq nunamtenek. Cali tuani uksuilleq. Cali taum kiatiini uksuilleq. Malrulutek waten yaaqsiutevkenatek. Tuaken-llu wani Taqikarpagmek pilallrat. Tumyarauguq, taugam Kuigpiim tungiinun. Tuaken-llu Maqistem nunii. Maqistar nallunritan? Maqistem nunii Kuicarami qavani uitauq. Aa, their names. They call my former site/place Nunarpak. Nunarpak. And the second one is Qass'uq. It's called Qass'uq. Those places used to be inhabited in the fall. The third one is Pugcenaq. That also was inhabited in the fall, the one they called Pugcenaq. Then the one in the area behind us (back in there) is Kuigpagmiut. When they used to call it Kuigpak (Kuigpagmiut) Akuliqutaq, the fall camp isn't far from our place/village(?). There's a fall camp there, too. Upriver from that there's another fall camp. There are two of them not far from each other. From there, there's a place they called Taqikarpak. It's a pathway, but it's the one that goes towards Kuigpak (Yukon). From (Taqikarpak) there's Maqista's (Joshua Phillip) place/site. Do you know Maqista? Maqista's place is somewhere upriver on Kuicaraq.

Tauna Pugcenermek pilallrat uksuillruuq. Uksuillermek aprumauq. Tua-i-llu tauna Mike Sirile tuani uksuilallruuq. Tua-llu augutun aptellerpetun amllermek kiusciigataqa tauna. Tuaten taugaam nengullruan, malruullruyugnarquk enek. Tauna wani tuaten uksuarmi taugaam atulallruat up'nerkami-llu. Wangkuta-ll' tuantellrukut up'nerkami. Kanaqlagnek-wa pillemteni. Tauna Maigmek-wani nunakesteminek qungurtangqellruuq. Tauna tua-i kiingan nallunritaqa. Tua-i augna amllermek kiusciigataqa apyutet augkut taugam tuaten nallunritlemkun kiugaqa. Tua-i piciuguq tauna uksuarmi waten atulallrat. (Wii), Wangkuta-ll' up'nerkami tauna yungvailgan up'nerkillrukut tuani kanaqlagcurluta. Tua-i-ll' taum kinguakun taugam allrakuq allrakut nalluanka murilkellrunrilamki tamaani. Taugaam nulirturpailegma tamaantellrukut, tuantellrukut. Nutaan taum kinguakun uksuillruluni tauna piurtellruuq. Waten uksuillret makut neqlegmi uitatuut. Cali pissuryarauluteng. Tua-i-llu allussistuaq tekitniaraan upagluteng unilluki yuirluku tua-i. Tuaten ayuqluteng, ataam ullagaqluki. Augna tua-i tuaten ava-i kiugaqa. Pugceneq is a fall camp. It's referred to as a fall camp. Mike Cyril used to have his fall camp there... I think there used to be two houses there. They only used to use that place in the fall and in the spring. We stayed there one time too in the spring. That was when we were hunting muskrat. There's a grave there belonging to Mike, the person who inhabited the place. That's the only one (grave) that I know about. I can't answer most of the questions, but I'm answering one that I know about. It's true that the place was used in the fall. We were there one spring before it was inhabited when we were muskrat hunting. Then after that I don't know what year it was since I wasn't observant about the years at that time. But we were there before I acquired a wife. After that time it became a fall camp. Fall camps are usually located where there's food. They (camps) are also used for hunting. Then as Christmas time nears everyone leaves the camps leaving the places empty. That's the way they were, people would go back to the camps again. That's my answer to those questions.

Yaa. Angayuqaagka unguvalukek tuani wani up'nerkillrukut kanaqlagcurluta tua-i-ll' unilluku. Nutaan kinguakun enetangellruuq. Tua-i-llu uumek-wa nunamek, pissurvigmek, angungnaqvigmek. Malruullruyugnarquk tuani enek. Tauna tuaten ayuqellruuq. Una taugaam uaqlia, Cungartulimek pilallrat. Kuigpagtaalriit waten qavartarvikelqaat. Qavartarviuluni. Maaken wani Kuigpagmun tumyaraullruur una. Una. Yes. When my parents were alive we were spring camping there (Pugceneq) hunting for muskrats then we left the place. After we left someone built a house there. Then (there was) the settlement, place to hunt, place to go subsistence hunting. I think there used to be two houses there. That was how that place was. Down below that is what they call Cungartuli. It used to be an overnighting place for people going to Kuigpak (Yukon). It was an overnighting place. This was the highway/trail going to Kuigpak. This one here.

Arenqiatuq nallunricaaqaqa taugaam allrakua-wa elitnauraunrilama aperturciigataqa. Tua-i taugaam nallunritaqa tuaten. Taugaam tayima nulirturpailegma 192...1929 wall'u...1930. Tamatum mengliini yaaqsinrilnguum. Nulirturpailegma tamaani pissullruukut wangkuta. Tua-ll' taum kinguakun taukugnek malruk piurtellruuk. Tayima tua-i 1935-llu taman' aperluku cangaicugnarquq. Nalluaqa taugaam tua-i cuqnguarluku. Aperturciigataqa allrakua-w' tuani pillra. I know about that place but I don't know what year it was since I am not a schooled person. But I know that that was how it was. It was before I got married, 1929 or...1930. Somewhere around there. We were hunting around that area before I got married. After that the two houses were built. I think it will be okay to say that it was in 1935. I don't know exactly, but just by estimating. I can't really say what exact year it was.