Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program

Project Jukebox Survey

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Anna Jacobson

Anna Jacobson is a Yup'ik elder and Yup'ik language expert and linguist who has spent years working as an independent Yup'ik language translator and transcriber on a variety of projects. She helped develop the Central Yup'ik language dictionary and grammar book for the Alaska Native Language Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and has published Elnguq: An Eskimo Girl’s Childhood in the Alaska Wilderness (Anchorage, AK: Publication Consultants, 2008), which is the English translation of a fictionalized story originally written in Yup'ik that portrays life in a Native village in the middle years of the last century from the perspective of one who personally experienced that life.

Anna Jacobson appears in the following new Jukebox projects: