Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program



Three trails that were described by Joe Demantle, Sr. and John Napoka in Tuluksak, Alaska during the week of September 21-25, 2004. The trail marked in red is John Napoka's trapline trail; the trail marked in purple is Joe Demantle's trapline along an old tractor trail; and the trail marked in blue is the trail from Tuluksak to Akiachak.

Photo By: 
Base map compiled by Robert Drozda and Vernon Chimegalrea from information provided by Lower Kuskokwim Yup’ik elders in 1988.
Photo Collection: 
AHP CPSU and ANCSA 14(h)(1) Historical and Cemetery Sites Collection [ANCSA Project], Bureau of Indian Affairs, Anchorage, Alaska
Media Folder: